Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Don Quijote blog

The Spanish class 12 of Richard-Wagner Gymnasium has created a blog about a book they have read: Don Quijote de la Mancha de Miguel de Cervantes (adapted version Easy Reader, Klett Verlag). Each student summarized one chapter and added a picture that refers to the chapter he/she wrote.

Sunday, December 03, 2006

School Development Day in Bayreuth

During a School Development Day in Bayreuth (Bavaria), C0MENIUS project coordinator Mrs Uschi Schmack informed about the new COMENIUS program. Mr Hans Feldmeier spoke about eTwinning. Both introduced our project DigiSkills in general.

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Meeting of DigiSkills partners

From 10th-15th October 2006, 22 teachers from 8 European Countries have had a meeting at Regenstauf near Regensburg/Germany. All talked about the objectives and results of DigiSkills project and eTwinning DigiSkills as to the last year. EU-Project Coordinator Mrs Uschi Schmack, RWG Bayreuth, told about the details of the programme and Mr Hans Feldmeier, hosting institution Regenstauf, was in charge of the organisation. All worked well!

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Quality label

Proposal: we could discuss the possibility to receive the national quality label and fill in the application form during our meeting in Regenstauf. I guess that Hans could help us because he already has received the label for his school. Afterwards we can try to get the European quality-label.

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Start of a new project year

The DigiSkills group at project meeting in Thesssaloniki in January 2006

On Sept. 1st, 2006 the second project year of our DigiSkills project begins. All partners of project year 1 got the permission from the EU to go on. So the DigiSkills group will include 10 schools again. The first project meeting will take place in Regenstauf from 10th to 15th October 2006. At this meeting we will decide about the 'roadmap' of our project in year 2.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Logo Generator

On the one hand, this Logo Generator is not a serious logo maker. It´s only a parody of a Web 2.0 Logo. On the other hand, everybody is able to create a simple logo. Check out and feel free to use it!

Monday, May 01, 2006

Medioambiente desde Guaza

Here you find a blog about the environment in Tenerife created by the Spanish digiskills partner school Guaza.

Monday, March 13, 2006

Etwinning website eDigiSkills@School

Last week I was able to update our Etwinning website. Please have a look at http://www.e-digiskills.de In addition, all partners should add their e-learning activities regarding the involvement of students on the Etwinning Blog http://e-competences.blogspot.com

Monday, January 02, 2006

Sharing photos online

Flickr ist almost certainly the best online photo management and sharing application in the world. Show off your favorite photos to the world and to your Comenius and Etwinning partners. Have a look at one of my photos from Barcelona.